AC Voltage/Current Instrumentation - Back to Product Guide

Input: 999.9 ╡A, 9.999 mA; 99.99 mA, 999.9 mA; 999.9 mV; 9.999 V, 99.99 V; 750.0 V; 5.000 A Current Transformer
Display: 6-Digit, 14-Segment Red or Green LED,
Accuracy: (AC Accuracy for AC or DC Coupling; DC Accuracy for DC Coupling in Italics):47 to 5 kHz; 0.1%R ▒5 Counts; 10 to 5 kHz; 0.1% range ▒5 Counts
Output (Options in Italics): Dual 6-amp Relays; 4-20 mA Analog Output; 0-10 Vdc Analog Output
Communications Options: (Options in Italics): RS-232, RS-485


NEW INFO® Service Document: 126
Input: 399.99 mV rms; 3.9999 V rms; 39.999 V rms; 399.99 V rms
Input: 399.99 ╡A rms; 3.9999 mA rms; 39.999 mA rms; 399.99 mA rms; 3.9999 A rms; Scaling for 5 A Current Transformer
Display: 4 3/4-Digit, 7-Segment Red LED
Accuracy: (AC Accuracy for AC or DC Coupling; DC Accuracy for DC Coupling in Italics): Hz, lsd; 35 to 5 k ▒0.1%R ▒10; 25 to 10 k ▒0.2%R ▒20; 23 to 15 k ▒0.25%R ▒30; 20 to 20 k ▒0.5%R ▒50; 20 to 30 k ▒1.0%R ▒50; ▒0.1% of R ▒10 lsd

$585 2004-RMS

NEW INFO® Service Document: 756
Input: 399.99 mVac; 3.9999 Vac; 39.999 Vac; 399.99 Vac
399.99 ╡Aac; 3.9999 mAac; 39.999 mAac; 399.99 mAac; 3.9999 Aac; Scaling for 5 A Current Transformer
4 1/2-Digit, 7-Segment Red LED
Accuracy: ▒0.1%R ▒20 lsd; 35 to 2 kHz; ▒0.3% R ▒ 20 lsd; 20 to 5 kHz
Communications (Options in Italics): BCD Unbuffered: IEEE-488, BCD Buffered

$585 2004-AVG

NEW INFO® Service Document: 756

2001A & 3001
4 1/2 Digit DC Voltmeter
Input: 199.99 mV rms; 1.9999 V rms; 19.999 V rms; 199.99 V rms
Input: 199.99 ╡A rms; 1.9999 mA rms; 19.999 mA rms; 199.99 mA rms; 1.9999 A rms; Scaling for 5 A Current Transformer
Display: 4 1/2-Digit, 7-Segment Red LED
Accuracy (AC Accuracy for AC or DC Coupling; DC Accuracy for DC Coupling in Italics): Hz, Hz, lsd; 35 to 5 k ▒0.1%R ▒10; 25 to 10 k ▒0.2%R ▒20; 23 to 15 k ▒0.25%R ▒30; 20 to 20 k ▒0.5%R ▒50; 20 to 30k ▒1.0%R ▒50; ▒0.1% of R ▒10 lsd

$550 2003B-RM

NEW INFO® Service Document: 757
Input:199.99 mVac; 1.9999 Vac; 19.999 Vac; 199.99 Vac
Input: 199.99 ╡Aac; 1.9999 mAac; 19.999 mAac; 199.99 mAac; 1.9999 Aac; Scaling for 5 A Current Transformer Transformer
Display: 4 1/2-Digit, 7-Segment Red LED
Accuracy: ▒0.1%R ▒2 lsd; 35 to 2 kHz ▒0.3%R ▒20 lsd, 20 to 5 kHz
Communications Options: (Options in Italics): BCD Unbuffered: IEEE-488, BCD Buffered

$550 2003B-AVG

NEW INFO® Service Document: 757
Input: 399.99 mV rms; 3.9999 V rms; 39.999 V rms; 399.99 V rms
Input: 39.99 ╡A rms; 3.999 mA rms; 39.99 mA rms; 399.9 mA rms; 3.999 A rms Scaling for 5 A Current Transformer
Display: 3 3/4-Digit, 7-Segment Red LED
Accuracy: (AC Accuracy for AC or DC Coupling; DC Accuracy for DC Coupling in Italics): Hz, Hz, lsd; 35 to 5 k ▒0.1%R ▒1; 25 to 10 k ▒0.2%R ▒2; 23 to 15 k ▒0.25%R ▒3; 20 to 20 k ▒0.5%R ▒5; 20 to 30 k ▒1.0%R ▒5; ▒0.1% of R ▒1 lsd

$585 2004-RMS

NEW INFO® Service Document: 756
Input: 39.99 mVac; 399.9 mVac; 3,999 Vac; 39.99 Vac; 399.9 Vac
Input: 399.9 ╡Aac; 3.999 mAac; 39.99 mAac; 399.9 mAac; 3.999 Aac; Scaling for 5 A Current Transformer
Display: 3 1/2-Digit, 7-Segment Red LED
Accuracy: Communications (Options in Italics): BCD Unbuffered: IEEE-488, BCD Buffered

$480 2004-AVG

NEW INFO® Service Document: 657
Input: 99.99 mV rms; 999.9 mV rms; 9.999 V rms; 99.99 V rms; 650.0 V rms
Input: 9.999 ╡A rms; 99.99 ╡A rms; 999.9 ╡A rms; 9.999 mA rms; 99.99 mA rms; 999.9 mA rms; Scaling for 5 A CT
Display: 4-Digit, 7-Segment Red or Green LED
Accuracy:(AC Accuracy for AC or DC Coupling; DC Accuracy for DC Coupling in Italics): 47 Hz to 5 kHz, ▒0.1%R ▒10 lsd; 9 Hz to 5 kHz, ▒0.1% of R ▒10 lsd
Output (Options in Italics):0-1 Vdc; Dual 10-amp relays, 4-20 mA /0-10 V

$350 Q9000-F

NEW INFO® Service Document: 150-154

Input: 99.99 mVac; 999.9 mVac; 9.999 Vac; 99.99 Vac; 650.0 Vac
Input: 9.999 ╡Aac; 99.99 ╡Aac; 999.9 ╡Aac; 9.999 mAac; 99.99 mAac; 999.9 mAac Scaling for 5 A Current Transformer
Display: 4-Digit, 7-Segment Red or Green LED
Accuracy: ▒0.1% R ▒10 lsd; 476 to 1000 Hz
Output (Options in Italics): 0-1 Vdc; Dual 10-amp relays, 4-20 mA /0-10 V

$315 Q9000-C

NEW INFO® Service Document: 150-154
Input: 199.9 mV rms; 1.999 V rms; 19.99 V rms; 199.9 V rms; 650 V rms
Input: 19.99 ╡A rms: 199.9 ╡A rms; 1.999 mA rms; 19.99 mA rms; 199.9 mA rms; 1.999 A rms; 5 A CT
Display: 3 1/2-Digit, 7-Segment Red or Green LED, LCD
Accuracy (AC Accuracy for AC or DC Coupling; DC Accuracy for DC Coupling in Italics): 47 Hz to 5 kHz, ▒0.1%R ▒1 lsd; 9 Hz to 5 kHz, ▒0.1% of R ▒1 lsd
Output (Options in Italics): 0-2 Vdc; Dual 10-amp relays, 4-20 mA /0-10 V

$310 Q2000-F

NEW INFO® Service Document: 150-154
Input: 199.9 mVac; 1.999 Vac; 19.99 Vac; 199.9 Vac: 650 Vac
Input: 19.99 ╡Aac; 199.9 ╡Aac; 1.999 mAac; 19.99 mAac; 199.9 mAac; 1.999 Aac; 5 A Current Transformer
Display: 3 1/2-Digit, 7-Segment Red or Green LED, LCD
Accuracy: ▒0.1% R ▒1 lsd; 47 to 1000 Hz

$275 Q2000-C

NEW INFO® Service Document: 150-154
Input: 199.9 Vac 650 Vac
Display: 3 1/2-Digit, 7-Segment Red or Green LED
Accuracy: ▒0.006 (R-115 V) ▒0.1 V ▒0.006 (R-230 V) ▒V 49 to 440 Hz hU Communications: None

$180 201AN/AC

NEW INFO® Service Document: 728

204B, AVG
204B, RMS

3 3/4 Digit AC/True-RMS Voltmeter & Ammeter w/BCD Output
AC CURRENT 30 Hz to 1 kHz
See Signal Conditioner/ Transmitter section for more information.
AC CURRENT 30 Hz to 1 kHz
See Signal Conditioner/ Transmitter section for more information.
AC CURRENT 30 Hz to 1 kHz
See Signal Conditioner/ Transmitter section for more information.
AC CURRENT 30 Hz to 1 kHz
See Signal Conditioner/ Transmitter section for more information.
3 1/2 Digit DC Voltmeter with BCD Output
Analog Output
1800 Volts 3-Way Isolation
Input Overvoltage Protection
13-Bit Resolution
3 Readings/Sec
Software Selectable Scaling and Digital Filtering
0.2% Accuracy
Output: 0 to 10 Vdc @ 10 mA max, 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA, 500 ohm max. loop resistance; 10 Vdc compliance
Input Ranges: 10, 100 mA, 1, 5A

$345 DRN-ACV

NEW INFO® Service Document: 587
RS-485 Output
1800 Volts 3-Way Isolation
Input Overvoltage Protection
13-Bit Resolution
3 Readings/Sec
Software Selectable Scaling and Digital Filtering
0.2% Accuracy
Output: RS-485, 2-Wire (half duplex)
Input Ranges: 400 mV, 4, 40 and 400 Vac

$270 DRX-ACV

NEW INFO® Service Document: 587
Analog Output
1800 Volts 3-Way Isolation
Input Overvoltage Protection
13-Bit Resolution
3 Readings/Sec
Software Selectable Scaling and Digital Filtering
0.2% Accuracy
Output: 0 to 10 Vdc @ 10 mA max, 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA, 500 ohm max. loop resistance; 10 Vdc compliance
Input Ranges: 10, 100 mA, 1, 5A

$345 DRN-ACC

NEW INFO® Service Documents: 587
RS-485 Output
1800 Volts 3-Way Isolation
Input Overvoltage Protection
0.1░C Resolution
3 Readings/Sec
Software Selectable Scaling and Digital Filtering
0.2% Accuracy
Output: RS-485, 2-Wire (half duplex)
Input Ranges: 10, 100 mA, 1, 5A

$270 DRX-ACC
NEW INFO® Service Document: 587
Q2000A (Voltage) / Q2000B (Current)
3 1/2 Digit DC Voltmeter, Ammeter, Transmitter & Controller
Q9000A (Voltage) / Q9000B (Current)
4-Digit DC Voltmeter, Ammeter, Transmitter & Controller
201A & 201AN
Low-Cost, 3 1/2 Digit Voltmeters
3 1/2 Digit Mini-Size DC Voltmeter
3 1/2 Digit DC Voltmeter in 1/16 DIN Case, 5V DC Powered
4 1/2 Digit DC Voltmeter w/BCD Output
3 3/4 Digit DC Voltmeter w/BCD Output
4 3/4 Digit DC Voltmeter w/BCD Output
4 1/2 Digit DC Voltmeter in 1/16 DIN Case, 5V DC Powered

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